Monday, October 28, 2013

LRB 365: Big-15. Phase 2. Week 3. Bench

BW - 202

Bench -

165X10.75!, 5

Chins (close, v-grip) -
+20X3, 3

BWX10, 7

DB Bench - 60sX18, 11, 9, 5

Early morning sessions are often dicey for me as my body doesn't feel like it's 'going' yet. 

This is the first time I think I've ever missed a bench at lock-out.  I was SOOOO close to that 11th rep.  I think grinding and failing on that one took a chunk out of me for the rest of the session.

On chins I felt so weak on the back-off with 25, that I didn't want to gut out a 50% set of 2-3, so I dropped the weight and pounded out some more BW chins to up the total volume over last session.

I pushed the 1st set of DB bench a little farther also trying to up the over-all volume, but my strength was leaving me pretty quickly at this point as evidenced by the final set being only 5 reps (failed on the 6th).

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