Thursday, October 17, 2013

LRB 365: Big-15. Phase 2. Week 1. Incline

BW - 200

Incline -

125X20, 10

DB Press - 30sX15, 12

Machine Pullovers - 3 sets of 15

BB Rows - 135X8, 8, 7, 7

Deadlift -
225X3 (mixed-grip)
275X2 (mixed-grip)
315X1 (double-overhand and held: 18 sec.)

So it turns out that having Incline first in a session makes a BIG difference.  My goal going into this cycle was to Incline 125X15, hahahaha.  Now that I've blown that out of the water, I'll up the weight on the next session.  Big all around PR.

When I get the working weight dialed in on Incline, I'll probably add in more sets of DB OHP.  Or maybe not.  My goal for the cycle is 40sX15.

We've got an old-school pull-over machine at my gym.  Inspired by Dorian Yates love for the thing, I asked Paul Carter about including it in this cycle, and he suggested a few sets as a warm-up for rowing.  That's basically how Yates had it as well.  Hard squeeze on the contraction and slow negative on all reps.

Rows were controlled and super-strict, squeezed at the top, and I stopped when I could barely touch my chest with the bar.

Deadlift practice was fine.  Getting in some mixed-grip practice, but also getting some grip work at the end.

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