Friday, August 30, 2013

LRB 365: Big-15. Phase 1. Week 2. Front Squats

BW - 200

Standing Calf Raises - 3 sets of 15

Front Squats -

225X12, 8, 8, 11 (straps on last set)

Leg Press - 3ppsX15, 12, 12, 11

Remembered to do the calf raises this time.

125X19 is a Rep PR by default as I've never done high-rep fronts.  It's right at or above a projected 1RM increase as well.  Honestly, I think 20 was do-able, but it's my conditioning that's holding me back.  I've upped my walking frequency the last few weeks, and I'm hoping my wind starts to catch up to my strength so I can squeeze some more out of these high-rep squat days.

I did the front squats in clean position, and I think the strain on my wrists diminished my grip strength for RDLs.  Grip was a limiting factor on all 3 sets until I added straps for the 4th.

I think 3ppsX15 is a good baseline for narrow-stance leg pressing after high-rep front squats.  I'll keep working to push the reps on that weight.  On the last set, I though my right VMO was going to pop clean off.

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