Squat Warm-Up - 45X5, 65X5, 95X5, 135X5
Squats - 165X5, 175X3, 195X10
Split Squat-Jumps - BWX30sec.X3
DB RDL - 45sX10X3
super-set with
Plank Shoulder Touches - EachArmX12X3
"Speed-Skater" Bulgarian Split Squats - 15sX10, BWX10
195X10. Rep PR. Also, 195 is the weight I failed to step out with back in July when I threw my back out. So even though I've had more actual weight on my back before, it's still a significant milestone for me to rep out this weight. The next milestone for me will be 205. That's the most weight I've squated. I've got a De-load week next and then I'll actually be skipping 205 and going for 210. If I keep my wits about me, I fully expect to ace it since my squat max project to about 260. The program calls for working up to 210 (102% of my max when I started the program), then add weight and do another single if I'm feeling it. My plan is to go 210, then 225. If that feels easy, I'll go for 250. 225 is the most weight I've done anything with (DL'd it back in July). 250 should be approaching my current max. I might be good for more, but I will plan on stopping there for now. After the program, I will take a week to test new maxes before I start 531. This is key because I need to focus not only mental intensity, but listening to my body. If I'm feeling off, I need to remember that I can stop at 225 or even 210 if necessary. Like Jim Wendler says, if you're not feeling it, just get the work in. It would be awful to fuck myself up at the end of this program.
All the single-leg stuff continues to be hard as hell. Reinforcing the need to keep it in future programming.
Is one set enough to build muscle?
3 days ago
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