Monday, September 26, 2011

BLAB Log: Week 11.Day 1


BB Bench Warm-up - 45X5, 95X5

BB Bench - 125X4, 135X2, 155X1, 165X1, 180X1

DB Floor-Press, neutral grip - 45sX23, 20

Inverted Row - BWX11X2

BB Overhead Shrug - 45X15, 95X15, 145X15

Incline DB Curls, Rest-Pause - 35sX10, 4, 2

Defranco's "BeZercher" Complex - 45X10, 9
   without lunges - 45X8, 7

180 is 25lbs. more than I've ever loaded for bench.  I had to get a spotter to come help me with unrack, and I descended pretty hard, but I think I aced the weight.  Jefit thinks I max out around 195.  Between that and this 180, I feel confident that I can get more than one rep on next week's 185 rep test.  I'm wondering if I should tinker with my set-up so that I don't need help with the unrack at this weight.  Moving my shoulders closer to the uprights is obviously the answer, but my set-up has seemed pretty dialed-in.  Probably shouldn't mess with that.  I can tinker when I start 531, possibly.

Sweat Angel!
The sweat spots on the floor where I did the DB floor-presses cracked me up.

VERY hard to get my chest to the bar on the inverted rows.  I tried elevating my feet for the 2nd set, but no help.  Possibly I should set-up with the bar closer to my diaphragm.  I'll tinker with it next week.

I had to mess around with the overhead shrugs to figure out where I should be on them.  After doing a set with just the bar, I new I would be able to shrug more than I could press, so I had to put the pins at the highest setting in the power rack and stick the bar up there and load it. This kind of turned it into dead-stop shrugs because the bar hit the pins at the bottom almost every time. 145 was probably close to where I should be for these.  It was interesting having that much weight locked-out overhead.  The most I've ever pressed was about 105, so balance was a bit wonky. 

I had to drop the full lunges out of the "BeZercher" complex.  The weight of the empty bar is just too close to where my work-set weight would be for lunges.  I'm sure Defranco put these sort of "weak-link" movements in the complexes for a reason, but it was either drop the lunges or stop doing the complexes.

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