Tuesday, September 6, 2011

BLAB Log: Week 7.Day3


Chin-ups - BWX7, BWX4

Wide-Grip Pulldowns; Rest/Pause with a slow eccentric - 70X25, 80X10, 6, 4, 2,1

DB "Modified" Arnold Press - 40X8,8,5

Blackburns - 10X20sec.X2

Biceps Cable Curl - 30X12, 35X12X2

Push-Ups Descending Sets - BWX10-7, 3, 5-1

So all my (imaginary) regular readers will remember that I took the week off from throwing in extra chins with the intention of attacking these fresh today.  I've had success with both parallel and overhand grips, and I really wanted to try an overhand V-Grip so I finally dropped the Dip-Bars on the Dip/Chin station so I could do that without banging into things.  I reached up and grabbed the V bend in the bar, and before I knew it, I'd banged out 6 Chins.  I'm lucky momentum carried me to the 7th, because I was so surprised I basically stopped and dropped to the ground in shock.  I really think I could have gotten 8.  Nevertheless, I took a minimum rest and did the additional, programmed set of >50% for 4 reps.  I'm stoked.  I don't know if it was the week off, the extra sets paying off , or a combination of the two.  Nevertheless, no more additional chin-up sets again this week, and we'll see what happens.  The only bad thing is I badly strained one of my ab muscles doing this and was completely unable to do the Core or BW circuit I was supposed to finish with.  More on this at the end.

Complicated Lat-Pulldowns were better this week.  And I felt much stronger on the DB presses.  Note: "More Human than Human" is a great song for Biceps Cable Curls which is appropriate because they both seem so mid-90's to me.

Since my ab strain was killing me, I decided to get a leg-up on the BB Push-Up down-sets that are coming up in the program by doing some down-sets of regular push-ups here.  Went pretty well, I only missed the 6 rep set.

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