Thursday, September 15, 2011

BLAB Log: Week 9.Day 1


BB Bench Warm-up - 45X5, 65X5, 95X5

BB Bench - 125X5, 135X3, 145X10

DB Alternating Bench - 50sX12, 10

"J" Rope Push-downs - 45X12, 55X10, 10, 9

Defranco's "Shoulder Shocker" - 25/20s/20sX10/10/10, 10/7/4

30 sec. DB Shrugs - 160X24, 150X24, 140X24
super-set with
Alternating Hammer curls - 35sX8X3

"BeZercher" Complex - 65X10, 45X9,8

145 is a 10 rep PR.  I would be in danger of taking this for granted, but there will always be push-ups around the corner to humble me.  Also the REALLY STRONG guys working out across the room.  635 lb. elevated deads below the knee anyone?

Uh, DB Bench and J pulldowns were fine.  Didn't get the last reps, but that's because I tried to push the weight so I'm okay with missing a rep or two.

These damn shoulder super-sets are tough, Joe.  I kind of wish I'd used the 15 lb. DB's so that I could have finished out the 2nd super-sets.

I tried to go up to 80s for the timed DB shrugs, but I couldn't finish out the 30 seconds.  I tried dropping the weight, but my grip was fried.  I could only make about 15-20 seconds on these sets.

Tried to start off with weight on the bar for the complexes, but the lunges became a sticking point, and I had to pull the weight off.  Single-leg work!  This is why I'm going to keep it for my 531 program.

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