sRPE @6.5
BW - 226
Press -
- up to 150X1 @9
- 135X3, 3, 3 @~8
DB Bench - 65sX13(PR), 8, 7 @10
GHR - BWX14, 10 @~10
EZ OH Extensions - 55X15, 11, 8, 6 @10
Upped the weight and dropped the reps on the Press back-offs. Now that volume has ramped up on accessories, I should be getting enough hypertrophy volume for Delts and Triceps that I can pivot work on the main lift to lower reps.
Nice to grab a DB Bench PR. Doing DB Bench after heavy Pressing really lights up my pecs.
Didn't look closely at my program, and inadvertently skipped upper back work. Life goes on.
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