Saturday, January 8, 2022

Block 18 (Exploratory). Cycle 7. Session C.

sRPE @6.5
BW - 219

Squats -
300X8, 8 @~7/8
345X1 @~6

Dips - 
BW+60X4 @7
BW+20X14 @10

Low Pin Press - 135X2, 2, 2, 2 @~9

A couple of little PRs to end the block.

300 for 2X8 is a Volume PR on Squats.  Effort increase significantly between the first and second set, so even though I still felt fresh, I didn't want to do another hard set of 8.  Instead I decided to work up with some singles.  My target was 365@~7.  I hit the 345X1 @6 very comfortable, but when I squatted the 365 it ended up being high and wobbly, so I'm not counting it.  Just a little out of practice with heavier singles.

239 (BW+20)X14 is a Rep PR on Dips.

Skipped OH extensions and Gaspari Curls, but felt like trying out 135 on the pin presses.  I figured singles or doubles.  Doubles were do-able, and BOY are 2@9s a different experience from 3@8s on these.  Weird how "do-able" they were, but also how mentally taxing.  It was pretty fun.

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