Friday, September 7, 2018

HLM. Week 6. Day 2.

BW - 227

High Bar Pause Squat - 245X5, 5, 5

Bench -
190X5, 5, 5, 5

RDL - 320X5, 5

No easily perceptible change in bar speed between the first and last reps of the last set.  So probably RPE 6 at most.  Going back and looking at my heaviest session with this movement from a few weeks ago, that would appear to be the same there.  I probably need to up the intensity a bit to get into @7-8 range at least for the last set (shown).

Top set of Bench is interesting.  Felt like at RPE 9-9.5, but bar speed between 1st and 3rd rep looks more like @7.5.  Mis-grooved the 2nd rep which made it feel harder than it should have been.  But technique break-down often comes with high-intensity work.  As far as the discrepancy  between "bar speed RPE" and "feels RPE," I would submit that my bench strength tends to drop off a cliff more-so than other lifts.  Nevertheless, I will try to keep this discrepancy in mind.   Back off -sets were all easy <@6.  Top-set and last back-off shown.

I think I'm finally figuring out some stuff on the RDL bar path.  I'm just not pushing my butt back far enough to keep the bar in contact with my legs throughout.  This really felt like it started to click half-way through the last set.  For me, the cue might not just be "butt back" OR "bar on legs," but rather BOTH push back so that the bar feels SOLID against the legs.  The only thing is that my low back "feels" less extended this way, although it looks fine.  No real difference in the bar speed between first and last reps, but it "feels" tough, so I'm gonna call the 2nd set @6.  Last set shown.

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