Wednesday, September 5, 2018

HLM. Week 6. Day 1.

BW - ??? (un-reliable scale at away gym)

Squat -
305X5, 5, 5, 5

Medium Incline Bench -
145X5, 5, 5, 5

Chin-Ups - BWX3, 3, 3, 3

BB Rows - 195X3, 3, 3

Had a conflict tonight, and so got my work-out in at an "away" gym that I found in the area.  The gym was mostly fine, however none of the barbells had a center knurling, and the only spare belt they had was a nylon and velcro affair. 

Because of the above, I conservatively lowered my top-set weight for squats from 380 to 365.  I kept the back-off weight the same, however.  Top set weight was fine, however the old problem of sliding forward at parallel instead of dropping down below parallel crept back in here.  Something to watch out for.  Same problem was apparent on a few reps of the back-off sets.  Top-set and last back-off shown.

The incline benches at this gym were standard 45 degrees, whereas the one I usually use is more horizontal.  To gauge it, I worked up to a heavy-ish single, and then backed off.  The back-off weight ended up being a bit too light, so I just kept rest periods down.  Main floor of this gym was packed, so no video of anything but Squats.

No neutral grip chin options available, so these were all supinated.  Felt fine on my wrist actually, and generally fairly strong.  Still tried to keep all sets below RPE 10.  Last was probably @10, but whatevs.

BB Rows, were not from the floor, but from a fairly horizontal hang position.  Wasn't sure if the staff would appreciate me doing Pendlay's on their regular gym floor with iron plates even though it was a padded floor.  These were fine.

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