Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Novice LP. Session 51 (Greyskull Squats and Press)

BW - 229

Bench -
200X5, 5

Squat - 355X5, 5, 6

Chin-Ups - BWX5, 5, 5

Negative Chins (0/0/4) - BWX3, 3

222.5X4 is a Rep PR on bench.  5th rep just wasn't there.  Will give it a shot again next week, and either succeed and continue, or fail and move on with a top triple.  Forgot to film my top set, but filmed my back-offs.  Here's the 2nd back-off set.  Contemplating my elbow flare.  I thought I was keeping them in longer than this.
335X6 is a Rep PR, and 335X5X3 an LP PR, on Squats.  Squats were feeling very good today in practice, but under review, the bar seems to be drifting forward again at the bottom.  More work to do.
Chins weren't anything to write home about today.

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