Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Novice LP. Session 47 (Greyskull Squats and Press)

BW - 229

Bench -
195X5, 5

Squat - 340X5, 5, 6

Chin-Ups - BWX10*, 4, 5

217.5X5 is a Rep PR for Bench.  Moved pretty well, but is still probably RPE 9.5.

340X6 is a Rep PR for Squat and a 3X5 PR as well..  Technique around the bottom of the lift is still failing.  Back to shifting forwards.  Although sometimes here I'm shifting forwards even though my feet are staying pretty flat.  Probably just the intensity getting high enough now to cause these breakdowns.  Need to keep the torso upright, and shoulders tight and back without the bar drifting backwards now.
Got 10 reps on chins, but felt like I was maybe cutting them high.  Refocused on full extension for the next two sets while trying to maintain the more explosive pace I've been developing.

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