Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Reps and Volume. Week 9. Squat

BW - 203

Squat -
BarX10 (paused)
95X5 (paused)
225X3, 3
275X7, 2, 3, 3

High-Bars - 205X5, 5, 5, 5, 5

Good Mornings - 135X10, 10

Single-Leg Extensions - X20, 15, 15 (straight-weight)

275X7 is a +2 Rep PR, and an all around PR.  I stalled out on repping 275 in late Feb./early March before moving my focus to conditioning and fat loss for the spring and summer.  I'd been looking forward to working my way back up to the day when I could go for this one again.  I felt good walking into the gym, and the initial warm-ups felt good.  The 1st set of 225X3 didn't feel awesome, so I took a 2nd set and it felt good.  I needed 6 reps for a PR with 275.  The 6th rep didn't feel too slow, to I took a 7th, slower rep.  I also took some video for the first time in a while, and I see that I'm knee caving pretty hard.  That will be something to keep focused on, but I'm very happy to get this 275 goal well out of the way so I can continue the march to 315.

I also upped the weight on my High-Bar "volume" sets.  I didn't know if I'd be able to get 5X5 at the increased weight after all the heavy sets of Low Bar.  Feel good about those.

Now that my schedule has freed up and I can Squat and Deadlift on different days again, I'm able to add GM's back to squat day.  I hate GMs.  But I've felt a lot of soreness in my glutes after lower body days lately, and so I know I need to get some of this kind of work back in.

Was able to push reps on single-leg work a bit, as well.  Just one of those days where you're able to push on everything.

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