BW - 206
Incline -
95X5, 5
125X17, 8
Reverse Camber Bench - 175X5, 5, 5, 5, 5
DB Bench - 50sX13, 12, 11
super-set with
DB Rear Delts - 25sX20, 20, 20
Hammer Curls - 35sX20, 16, 12, 11
Bench Dips - BWX20, 25, 15
Dumb, dumb, dumb. After I got done with Hammer Curls, I had 20+ minutes till the bus was swinging around so I thought "I wonder if Dips still hurt my shoulder since I haven't been BB Benching?" And then I thought, "I'll try it out on bench dips since it reduces my bodyweight." Great. And look I got a lot of reps in. However the bench dip forces the elbows to stay behind the body the entire time since you can't get any forward lean. That meant my shoulder was in a more extreme position throughout the movement, and TA-DA! My shoulder feels like shit today.
While I'm most mad that I'm dealing with this pain now, I'm intellectually pissed off that I muddied the data to see if this programming would have allowed me to progress on Inclines relatively pain-free. At best, I won't be able to look at that from a reset point for at least 2 weeks.
Incline was fine. Shoulder was a bit wonky when I started the empty bar warm-ups, but I just kept pressing the empty bar until it felt better. 125X17 and 20 total reps was my goal for this weight.
Last week on the reverse cambered bar, I worked up to 175X5 for 3 sets. Upped that to 5X5 this week. Will look to push the 5X5 weight from here. Last week doing these for the first time, the DOMS were located primarily right above my elbow which was a new experience for triceps work for me.
R/P'd the Hammer Curls to more reps.
Stupid, dumb bench dips.
Is one set enough to build muscle?
3 days ago
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