Friday, November 21, 2014

Reps and Volume. Week 10. Deadlift

BW - 207

Deadlift -
185X4, 4
335X5, 5, 4

RDL - 185X15, 12, 12

DB Rows - 65X20, 18, 15

Single-Leg Curls - X16, 20, 12 (long break between 1st and 2nd sets)

So 335X5 is a Rep PR, and I did it for 2 sets.  This is my 2nd highest all-time, perceived 1RM, as well.  The highest was 345X4.  I stopped at 4 on my 3rd set because a mistake on my program sheet showed 14 total reps for the day, but it should have been 16.  You know what?  Since I got a Rep PR and then the same # of reps on the 2nd set, I'm going to call that good and go ahead and move up next week!

Had some chalk today so I didn't use straps on the RDLs.  This actually limited me on the 2nd and 3rd sets.  I even when mixed grip on the 3rd set.  I may start strapping up on the last set or two of these to make sure I'm getting the hamstring and glute work I want without being limited by weakened grip strength from all the deadlifting beforehand.

Chest-Supported Rows were all occupied so I busted out some one-arm DB Rows.  Easily matched a previous PR of 65X20.

Hung out between the 1st and 2nd set of single-leg curls talking to the strongest guy in the gym.  He talked to me about the bottoms-up squats he was doing (worked up to singles at 515 while I was there), a push-pull meet he'd just done and some other powerlifting discussion.  Nice guy.

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