Monday, October 27, 2014

Reps and Volume. Week 7. Accessories

BW - 203

85X16, 8
super-set with
Chins - BWX12, 10, 8 (!!!!)
Pull-Downs (Neutral, CG) - X15, 12, 12, 10 (straight weight; more weight than last week)

Machine Pullovers - X16 (more weight than last week)

Reverse-Grip Preacher Curls -
50ishX18, 12
super-set with
DB Press - 35sX20, 15, 12

DB Curls - 25sX20, 12, 12
super-set with
Rope Extensions - X22, 20, 18

BB Curls - 40ishX12, 12

I dropped back on the work-weight on PBN.  I was getting ahead of myself, as I usually like to hit a 20 rep target before I start moving up.  Not being able to get 20 reps with 85 shows that I still need to do that work first.

I don't know WTF was going on with chins today.  I'm confident I wasn't cutting them high, or kipping or anything.  I've never gotten double-digit reps on a 2nd set of chin-ups EVER.  And then to go well over 5 on the 3rd set is just mind-boggling.  I'm sure it will be a one-off, hahahah.

Still, since I only did one AMAP set of pullovers last week, and then had an awesome chin-up day this week, I figured I'd roll with that.  I upped the weight by one plate and still got one more rep than last week.  These and the pulldowns are all very controlled reps with a squeeze at peak contraction and a pause at full extension.

Upped the weight on the reverse curls as well, and got good reps on most everything else.

All-in-all a good session.

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