Monday, October 20, 2014

Reps and Volume. Week 6. Accessories

BW - 201

Seated PBN -
95X12, 5
super-set with
Chins - BWX10, 7, 5, 6, 4
CG Pull-downs - X19, 13, 10 (straight-weight)

Machine Pullovers - X15 (burn-out set)

RG Preacher Curls - 40ishX22, 15
super-set with
DB Press - 35sX20, 18

DB Curls - 25sX20, 15
super-set with
Rope Extensions - X16, 15

BB Curl - 40ishX13, 12

Lots of time and energy today.  The machine-only press workouts I've been getting in at the office gym have stopped giving me any DOMS in my shoulders even though I'm going after it hard.  So I decided to add in some barbell PBN in addition to the DB OHP on accessory day and see what happens.

By the time I got done with chins and pulldowns, my lats were already on fire.  So instead of doing 3-4 sets of pullovers, I decided to drop the weight a tad and do one set to failure.  As I was only able to get 15 reps with a relatively light weight, I think that was a fine choice.

Everything else went fine.

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