BW - 209
Deadlift -
135X5, 5
345X2, 2, 2
Deficit Deads -
275X5, 5
295X5, 3
BB Rows - 155X12, 8, 8, 8
DB Rows - 60X12, 12
all rows super-set with
Leg Curls - X20, 20, 15, 15, 15, 15 (straight-weight)
Hmmmmm. Think my body might be trying to tell me something. After last week's deadlift session, something in my low back has I did mobility and stretching all week, didn't have any problems on Squat day, but still came in today with some trepidation. I didn't exactly feel anything 'wrong' today in that area, but my speed off the floor seemed diminished in the way it often is when I'm coming back from a low-back tweak. Then lying in bed last night and again this morning, the 'off' feeling in my low back seemed a bit stronger.
Considering that, and that my squat and bench strength also seem to be waning a little bit, I believe it may be time to make an adjustment. I'd already started transitioning my accessory work from heavy strength movements to body-building style hypertrophy movements. I believe it's probably a good idea to back the weights off on the main movements as well. What I'm considering doing with Deads, as an example, is lowering the top single down to the 315-335 range, and then going straight to deficits as my back-offs. I bumped the deficits up to 295 in this last session, because 275 is starting to feel to easy. I might stick with that, but also looking at reducing the deficit from a 45 lb. plate to something a little smaller. This is all spit-balling right now, but I expect the actual plan to be close to this. I'm going to spend some time thinking about adjusting the Squat and Bench programming in a similar fashion.
Back to this session, I already noted that I bumped the deficits up to 295 for the last two sets. If I move forward with that, I might back straight off to sets of 3 instead of trying to push 5's all the time.
155X12 is an all-around PR on BB Rows. The DB Rows were okay. It's a movement I suck at, and have to focus really hard not to over-rotate and stress my lower back. Fucking low back.
All the leg-curls super-setting were tough. I was sweating like a pig, and those things always make my hamstrings scream.
Is one set enough to build muscle?
3 days ago
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