Friday, March 21, 2014

Higher Reps. Week 3. Deadlift

BW - 209

Deadlift -
135X5, 5

1/2" Deficits - 295X5, 5, 5, 5

BB Rows - 155X15, 9, 8, 8

DB Rows - 65sX12, 12

all rows super-set with
Leg Curls - X20, 16, 15, 12, 12 (straight-weight; increased from last week)

Solid session.  345X1 was easy (used to be stapled to the floor, and was about my max a year ago).

Deficits moved faster as well.  Managed to get 5 reps on all 4 sets, although my conditioning is still getting in the way here.

155X15 is an all-around PR on BB Rows.

DB Rows were smoother.

Hamstrings were lit up pretty much from the first set of curls. 

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