Monday, March 17, 2014

Higher Rep. Week 2. Deadlift

BW - 208

Deadlift -
135X5, 5

Deficit Deadlift (1/2" mat) - 295X5, 5, 5, 3

BB Rows - 155X14, 10, 8, 8

DB Rows - 65sX12, 10

all rows super-set with
Leg Curls -
X25, 20, 18, 18 (straight-weight; same as last week)
X15, 16 (increased weight)

Okay session.  Regular deads all felt fest.

When I decided to up the weight on my back-off deficits, I originally pictured starting off with sets of 3.  However, since I was moving straight to deficits without doing back-offs of regular deads, I wanted to see what it was like if I reduced the deficit from a 45lb. plate down to a 1/2" mat.  Before I knew it, I was pulling sets of 5 without thinking about it.  Started to run out of gas on the 3rd set, though, and only ended up pulling 3 on the 4th.  Really more of an energy issue than a strength issue, I believe.

155X14 is an all-around PR on bent rows.

Was sweating my balls off by the time I finished up with all the super-set rows and hamstring curls.  Still trying to push that work capacity and conditioning for whenever this fucking snow and ice finally goes away so that I can start getting some running back in.

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