Monday, September 2, 2013

LRB 365: Big-15. Phase 1. Week 2. Arms and Squats

BW - 198 (bah)

Incline DB Curls - 35sX10, 10, 10, 10, 8

PJR Pullovers - 55sX10, 10, 6 (aborted)

Single-arm cable pull-overs with my right arm - minimal weightXlots

Ab Wheel - 5 sets of 10

BW - 200 

Calf Raises - 285X15, 305X15, 15

Squats -
BarX10 (paused)
95X5 (paused)

205X12, 5

Leg Curls - X20, 20, 14, 12

Lunges - BWX30, 30, 26, 20

Triceps strain in my right shoulder was really acting up at the bottom of each pullover rep.  I hoped it would start to get better from the work, but it didn't so I shut it down and tried to just get some blood through it with some high-rep isolation.  Feels much better today.

The 245X1 on squats was all fucked up.  I think my mind wandered, and I got way out over my toes out of the hole and had to Good Morning it up.  I almost took it again, but wanted to get on to the real work.  205X12 is a Rep PR and my 2nd highest projected 1RM since I reset to lower depth in the Summer of '12.  Still sucking wind toward the end of the 1st set, and sucking wind with shaky knees all through the 50% set.

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