Friday, September 20, 2013

LRB 365: Big-15. Phase 1. Week 5. Bench

BW - 201

Bench -

155X13, 4

Chins (shoulder-width, neutral grip) -
+20X3, 3

+25X10, 4

DB Incline -
55sX15, 13, 6
45sX10, 10, 10

Two weeks now since I hit 155X14 on bench.  I've only managed 13 reps the last two sessions.  Only one more session to try and hit my cycle goal of 155X15.

My set up is close-grip, with a tight arch with my neck and traps on the bench (but not my scapulae at all) and that has my butt basically floating on the bench and not being supported by it, and my heels are barely touching the ground.  Almost all my reps are paused on the chest, although the pause sometimes gets lost as I push limit reps. The guy that spotted me was between bench sets where he was flat footed, flat back, elbows flared and stopping all reps a couple inches above his chest.  He was doing rep sets with 315.  This has had me all twisted for about 16 hours now, but I've about talked myself back from the ledge.  I swear to god though, if I don't lock out a full rep with 225 in the next 12 months...

+25X10 is an all-around PR for all chinning.  Not saying they were the prettiest reps.

I hit my cycle goal of 55sX15 on DB Incline last time, so now I'm capping the first set there, and working to bring the subsequent sets up.  Significantly more volume over last session.  Would like to get 15 reps on my 2nd set next session.  Something like 15, 15, 8, and I would be ecstatic about 15, 15, 10 and being able to stay with the 55s for the 4th and 5th sets.

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