Wednesday, February 27, 2013

LRB 365: 100 Reps. Week 1. Bench

BW - 200

Bench -

Pulldowns - 1 set of 100

EZ Bar Curls - BarX70, 30
superset with
EZ Bar OH Extensions - BarX70, 30

Treadmill Intervals - 8 intervals, 20 minutes

My shoulders were literally flying up off the bench at lockout of all except the top couple of sets of bench.  Light.  Weight.  Bay-bee.

100 pulldowns felt weird.  I used the same weight I used on rows, and halfway through I thought there was no way I would make a 100, but then I did with room to spare.

EZ bar is much easier on my wrists for extensions, so I decided to superset empty bar extensions with curls to keep everything moving.  Kind of surprised I didn't get to 100 with the 20 lb. bar.  Nice to have something to shoot for.

Weather was horrendous, but I needed to get my conditioning in before my schedule clogs up later this week.  That meant I had to make rare use of the treadmill.  Treadmill is a fine tool, it just bores the hell out of me so I avoid it.  Then when I have to use it I always overestimate how hard I can go.  That was the case today, and I ran myself pretty much into the ground.  My vision was literally doing that weird zoom effect from Vertigo when I got off.

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