BW - 201
Hyper-extensions - 3 sets of 15-20
Pause Squat -
Klokov Press -
Deadlift -
280X3 (Fail on 4)
Chiro Crunches - 5 sets of 30
I like doing the body weight extensions instead of the reverse hyper right now. I feel the muscle working a lot more, and I suspect it will be better to build the mind/muscle connection this way so that I can get more benefit out of the reverse hyper down the road.
Pause Squats still feeling fine. Because I'm squatting all the time now and yet it's still the first cycle, it feels like I should be upping the weights already. At least one more cycle at these lower weights, before I jump to the next % tier. Although, I guess if I feel good I could jump next cycle...
My shoulders seem to be acclimating to the Klokov presses pretty quickly. I could have gotten a couple more reps here, but just wanted to bump my 1RM a tad. Next week I will probably go for AMRAP.
Well, as my weight had been inching downwards, so has my strength. Bench was the first to go, and it fell of a cliff about a month back. Pretty quickly into the diet, actually. Then I suspected that my squats weakened a bit as well, but it was hard to say for sure, because I also switched to Paused for a few weeks, and then came back doing ATG instead of parallel, so it was hard to say for sure. However, not being able to pull this 4th rep with 280 was a real surprise. I pulled 285 for 5 in February, and 290 for 3 last month, I intended to get a solid 5 reps on the top set today. 4 stopped just off the ground. I was pissed, and so I pulled a few singles with it to try and make up the volume. I held the last single at the top for a couple of seconds, and thought I was going to pass out when I sat it down.
I can't help but think I've lost more muscle than is optimal for a diet over the last month. I'm not going to panic, though. In fact, after this week, I'm hoping to implement a very regimented diet for August and September, but I've got to sit down and plan it out. I'm hoping that if I plan well, and execute, that I can lean up a lot more, and maintain strength levels wherever they are.
Is one set enough to build muscle?
4 days ago
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