Thursday, December 29, 2011

5/3/1 Log: Cycle 3. Week 1. Pressing and Deadlifting

No warm-up (full body foam-rolling the night before)

Press -

Deadlift -
super-set with
Hanging Leg-Raise - BWX5X4

Bench Dip - BW(201)X15, 15, 12
super-set with
T-Bar Rows - 70X10, 10, 8

BB Split Front-Squats - 85X8, 6, 8
super-set with
Hammer Curls - 25sX13, 15, 12

No Conditioning

In a rush to get in and out so I could shower and get to rehearsal tonight, so no mobility warm-up or conditioning afterwards.

Press felt heavy.  In the light of day, I wonder if I put 10s on instead of 5s and was actually pressing 115 on the last set.  Find out when I press 115 next week.

In contrast, Pulls felt great.  Slight hiccup on my 2nd work set where my headphones got tangled, and I had to stop and reset.  250X7 is a Rep PR and an increase to my projected max.  Probably could have gotten 1 or 2 more.

I expected to crank out sets of 20 on the bench dips, but 15 was more like my ceiling.  That's okay.  Gives me something to progress towards.

I.  Just.  Suck.  At T-Bar rows.  Using the old-school, no pad station helps, but crap.  Hopefully alternating these with the DB rows will help bring this up.  It occurs to me that it might be worthwhile to load this with 25's instead of starting with a full plate.  Greater range of motion that way for working the muscle as opposed to the movement.  Hmmmm...

Split Squats felt really heavy today.  That's okay.  It was supposed to be a heavy day on these anyway.  The important thing is my form felt good even when I was having to gut out last reps.

Did some Hammer Curls.  This is the light biceps work to compliment the heavier rowing.  And next week it'll flip to higher rep DB rows and lower rep BB curls.  Of course the curls are to have "better" biceps, but really I'm hoping this has some carry-over to rows and especially chins.

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