Sunday, December 11, 2011

5/3/1 Log: Cycle 2. Week 2. Bench

Defranco's Simple-6

Bench -

Dips - BWX10X3
super-set with
T-Bar Rows, no support - 90X5, 70X10, 10

Face-Pulls - 3 sets of 15-20

Push-ups - 10,10,10,8,5

I've decided to pull back on the bench for a few weeks, and focus on Dips, rows, and push-ups.  That's why I decided to only get 5 on 160.  7 would have been a rep PR, and would have projected an increased 1RM.  It was hard not to go for it, but I just kept reminding myself to leave something in the tank for Dips.

I know that was right because this is the first time I've done 3 sets of 10 BW Dips since July.  Some of that is because of focusing on all the chin super-setting I'd been doing, but still.  I think I'll stick to this program on bench days for a while.  I will wave BW with weighted dips.  So next week, maybe I'll load a 25 lb. plate and do sets of 5.

I vastly prefer the unsupported T-Bar.  I'll use it or barbells going forward.

Making sure to get face-pulls in for balance and shoulder health.

Trying to recommit to doing push-ups as well.  I'd hoped for 5 sets of 10 with minimal rest, but couldn't get it.  My new goal is sets of 10 for 10 minutes with minimal rest.  I want to try push-ups as a conditioning tool, and that's where they need to be to start that.

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