Friday, December 2, 2011

5/3/1 Log: Cycle 2. Week 1Bench

Defranco's Simple-6

Bench -
super-set with
Chin-ups - BWX5, 5, 7, 7, 4

Dips - BWX6, 5, 7, 5, 6, 6
super-set with
Pendlay Rows - BarX10, 95X7, 135X5, 155X3, 155X4
Neutral Grip Pull-downs - 90X8, 100X8, 100X6

Sick today.  Bench was the only thing that felt good.  Working on getting tighter and up on my back more.  150X7 is a rep PR.

First day back with chins after taking a few sessions off.  I knew they weren't there and I was right.  I hope it's just being sick and giving everything to the bench.

Dips were crap today.  I'm feeling lost on my form with these.

Since chins were so dismal, I decided to try Pendlay rows for the first time.  I used my bench grip, but think I should go narrower.  I was probably having to bend over too far, and that was making me have to jerk the weight off the floor.  Still not totally wasted.

Decided to throw in some netural grip pulldowns as well.  Went nice and slow and tried to focus on isolating the lats by "only pulling down my elbows."

Basically a schizophrenic session except for the bench.

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