Monday, December 24, 2018

Block 2 (Accumulation). Cycle 2. Day 1.

BW- 214

Squat - 230X8, 8, 8 @~6.5

Tempo Incline Bench 2-2-0 - 107.5X5, 5, 5 @6/7

Tempo BB Row 0-2-0 - 97.5X8, 8, 8 @6/7

Everything felt pretty good on this day.  No pain issues with quads or low back.

Squats actually seemed to get easier as I went on.  If I was auto-regulating volume, I would have done another set.  I'm getting plenty of warm-up reps with: BWX10, 45X10, 135X8, 185X5, 205X3, but I may need to that if the work sets continue to feel easier as they progress.  Could try reducing reps on the last couple of sets, or conversely shifting some reps from the lighter sets to heavier sets.  Could also give longer breaks between the last couple of warm-up sets.

Tempo work all felt about right.  My ego would obviously like these weights to be heavier, and after the first sets I often think I should go up, but experience has told me that my strength falls off a cliff on upper-body movements, and by the time I get to the 2nd and 3rd sets, the weight turns out to be about right.

No video of the tempo work today.

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