Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Block 2 (Accumulation). Cycle 1. Day 2.

BW - 211

Squat - 205X10 @5

High-Bar Squat - 205X3, 3, 3 @~6.5

Bench -
160X8 @ 7
152.5X8 @7
140X8 @6.5

Deadlift - 225X8, 8 @6/7

I've tried to go back through my old logs and look for places where the comp lifts seemed to make a lot of progress, and note down how I was training them at that time.  I'm going to try sprinkling them in here and there, a block at a time.  This Squat session is the result of one of those.  There was a point where I was doing LRB training, and the squat training was a low bar set of 10 followed by three triples of high bar at the same weight.

Because I haven't squatted much the last few weeks, I had pretty good DOMS going into this session, and it made stuff a bit more difficult.  The weights I landed on seem ok.  Hopefully, I'll get more acclimated over the next cycle or two and can dial this in a bit tighter.  All in all, felt fine.

Bench was all over the place.  It's been a bit like this recently where the expected weight ends up being way over on RPE, and nailing down the right intensity is a bit of a ride.  We'll see how this progresses.  Possibly BW drop has something to do with it?

Was really nervous about DL after 2.5 week back injury, but these felt good.  I did fatigue quickly and got to @7 on set 2, when I'd planned 3 sets, but we'll see how that goes next time.  I made some changes to my set-up and inter-rep patterns.  Used to, I would take my breath before I dropped my knees, and then I'd lock my knees to take a breath between reps.  I think that got me in trouble with these low intensity DLs last time, and caused the bar to be moving around a bit much, and that may have contributed to the back tweak.  This whole session and cycle have really been about recommitting to focus.  Taking time to do things right even when the intensity is relatively low.

And also not freaking out about how much lighter all these weights are than what I used to use.

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