Monday, October 29, 2018

Transmutation to Accumulation Pivot Day 2.

BW - 218

Pause Low Bar Squat -
275X2 @7
285X2 @8

Belt Squat - 135X8, 8 @8.5

Standing PBN - 95X3 @8

Bench-Grip Press (dead-stop on chest) - 95X5, 5 @8

Bench-Grip Deadlift -
245X8, 8 @~7.5
255X7 @8.5

Rope Cable Curls - X9, 8 (straight-weight)

More improved pivot work.  Broke a little further out of the mold on this day by using no comp. movements.  Also didn't bother getting video of anything but the BGDL.  Wish I'd gotten video of the BG Press, though.  Those felt good.

Squatting still difficult because of quad pain.  A little better on belt squat, but obviously much lower intensity.

I used to do a fair amount of PBN, but I tried doing these as dead stops on my traps, and they felt like crap.  May try them again in the future with a floating rack above the shoulders.

A year or so ago, one of the strongest guys in the gym had mentioned that he got more carryover from the press to his bench if he moved the grip out and allowed the bar to sit fully on his chest.  I've had that in the back of my mind ever since.  I rolled it out today, and once I found a good grip position they felt great.  Feels very stable, especially with a belt on.  The lift kind of starts with the hips pushed forward already to allow the bar to sit on the chest.  This makes it virtually impossible to use hip drive, and thus makes the movement much "stricter."

Decided to do a wider grip DL and only use double-overhand.  SGDL has always made me a bit nervous as far as technique breakdown under fatigue, but bench-grip has always felt comfortable to me.  Decided to do this of high single-digit reps.  The capped it with some rando-curls.

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