Tuesday, October 16, 2018

HLM. Week 11. Day 3. and Week 12. Day 1.

BW - 222

Safety Squat - 250X5, 5, 5, 5 @ 8

Press -
132.5X3 @ 9
122.5X5 @ 7.5
125X5, 5, @ ~9
120X5 @ 8.5

Deadlift -
345X3, 3 @ ~8.5

BW - 218

Squat -
335X1 @8
315X3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 @~8 (last set @9)

45 degree Incline Bench  - 165X5, 5, 5, 5 @8

Chin-Ups - BWX4, 3, 3, 2 @~9

BB Rows - 215X3, 3, 3 @8

Conditioning - Treadmill Sprints - 20 second sprint / 120 second walk; 7 rounds

Nagging quad pain is playing hell with my squats.  W11.D3. also just seemed to be an "off" or "down" day in general.  Press top-strength was underwhelming, although back-off strength was higher avg. intensity that previous.  Deadlift was definitely down.

Then I went out-of-town for 3 days.

I hoped that the extra day off would help with the quads, but not really.  Squat strength on W12.D1. was definitely limited by pain.  Was hoping to work up to a triple @ 8, but ended up doing a single @ 8 (no video) and doing triples for the back-off.  These intensities are disappointing, but at least I hit another 2-year BW low coming off a wedding trip.  Anyway.  I knew I wasn't going to be able to handle much volume at a decent intensity for back-off sets of 5, so I decided to use the "fatigue drop" / "RPE Stop" technique of doing volume sets until the RPE rises a certain amount.  In this case, I dropped to 3's @ 8, and did them until I hit a 3 @ 9 with that weight.

The high-incline bench was taken on this day, and I hate the gym's other incline bench because it's got a curve at the top that makes it much closer to a flat bench.  I was at the gym earlier in the afternoon than normal because I'd take an extra day off after our trip, so I dragged a particularly sturdy DB incline bench over to a power rack and used that instead.  Actually may be my favorite incline set up I've used at this gym.

Chin-Ups and rows were fine.  Rows felt a little weaker than last week, but no big.

Top-Sets and or final volume/back-off sets shown.

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