Friday, October 26, 2018

Transmutation to Accumulation Pivot Day 1.

BW - 219

SSB Squats -
235X4 @7
250X4, 4 @8, 8.5

1-Leg Extensions - X10, 12 @ 8, 9 (straight-weight)

Bench -
210X2 @6
230X2 @8
190X7 @8

DB Rolling Triceps 3-3-0: 35sX8, 8 @8, 9
finish with tucked elbow DB Bench X10@8

3" Mat Pulls -
285X6 @6
315X6, 6 @8, 9

DB Rear Delt Flyes - 30sX10, 14, 12 @8, 9, 10
finish with DB Rear Delt Rows X10@9

I was so mentally and physically ready to move on to something different, I just decided to call an audible and start the pivot block early.  Everything here was improved, and with out much of a plan.  I decided to do a couple of work sets of each of the compound barbell movements that were originally slated, and then move on to single-limb movements

Safety Squats were hard and weak due to the continuing quad pain.  Interestingly, the quad pain was still very present in the single leg extensions, but in general feels much better today.

For Bench, the 230X2 felt very solid.  I decided to do a higher rep back-off of 7-9 @8.

The way I've always done DB rolling triceps is as an overloaded eccentric movement.  That is, the eccentric keeps the humerus perpendicular to the ground through flexion, but then drops down to the ribs so that the concentric is a full press movement.  I decided for no reason to turn that up to 11 by adding a tempo protocol of a 3 second eccentric, and a 3 second flexed hold at the bottom.  Then finished the last set with a bro-tastic burnout set of tucked elbow DB bench.  I'm sure by this evening, the triceps DOMS will be real.

Mat pulls actually progressed to 9 very quickly.  Not sure if that was fatigue due to the shorter rest periods used prior in the session, or more general fatigue from feeling beat up by prior sessions.  Had intended to just do 2 sets @~8.

Similar to the rolling triceps, I finished rear delt raises with a rear delt row burnout set.

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