Monday, October 1, 2018

HLM. Week 9. Day 2 and 3.

Day 2 BW - 221

High Bar Pause Squat - 257.5X5, 5, 5 @8

Bench -
245X1 @10
212.5X3 @8
197.5X5, 5, 5, 5 @8

Block Pulls (3" mats) - 305X5, 5, 5 @8

Day 3 BW - 221

Safety-Bar Squat -
262.5X5, 5 @~7
275X5, 5 @~9

Press -
155X1 @9.5
122.5X5, 5, 5 @~8
115X5, 5 @8

Deadlift -
365X1, 1, 1 @8
342.5X5 @8

Few weird situations going on with these two sessions.  Day 2 was at an away gym with no belt.  Day 3 was back at my regular gym, but I forgot my shoes and had to lift barefoot. 

I went full over to RPE this last week for a few reasons:
1)  Not sure how the diet is going to impact programming, and auto-regulating intensity seems like a good move.
2)  Since I started the diet, I've had pretty intense DOMS going on in my quads.  I'm actually concerned I wasn't getting ENOUGH intensity on my squat supplements to keep up adaptation, so I'm hoping auto-regulating intensity will help with that.
3)  The beltless thing, the shoeless thing, and mysteriously crapping the bed on bench as the away gym, meant I wanted a solid framework for "guessing" what weight I needed to use.

Videos are all top sets, final top sets, or final back-off sets.

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