Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Maintenance / Rehab Block. Week 4. Day 1.

BW - 225

High-Bar Squats -
300X1, 1
315X1, 1

Bench (Feet-Up) - 215X3, 3

Pull-Ups - BWX5, 4 (9 total reps)

Pull-Downs (Supinated) - X10, 10, 10 (straight-weight; +5 "lbs.")

Hammer Curls - 35sX10, 8

Leg had been feeling so much better, I decided to play with some Squatting.  Low bar regular wasn't feeling great, so I moved my stance in a bit, and it felt better, but really awkward.  Moving to High-Bar seemed to make it feel more natural.  I started working up in sets of 3, taking small jumps.  If it hurt a little, or felt awkward, I would repeat the set.  Got into the mid-to-upper 200s and I was starting to have some discomfort through the quarter of ROM right around parallel, but it felt all good at the very bottom.  I switched to doubles, and then singles to get up to 300.  Did a couple of sets there and they felt a little sharp, but not too bad.  Got a little greedy and went up to 315.  First set was okay, but the second set had a very sharp twinge in the adductor, and now it basically feels like I've lost 10 or so days of recovery process. But hey, my previous best HBS was 250X5 (in 2014), and at least these were fast.

All I really wanted was to keep motor pathways fresh with some higher-intensity / very low-volume squatting in the hopes that would facilitate a more rapid "come back" once I can low bar Squat pain free.  Oh, well.  Luckily I'm going camping for 4 days this weekend and won't even be in the gym.  When I come back, I'll just have to take it super slow.  Last set of 300 and last set of 315 shown. 

Definitely wasn't putting my feet back on the ground for bench after this.  I'd already proactively decided to cycle down to triples at this point on the feet-up bench.  Again, just trying to keep relative intensity high while frequency has been reduced by schedule.  These moved well.

Pull-Ups also felt pretty good.  +1 rep from last time.

Supinated Pull-Down weight is now at a challenging intensity.  Probably the best strategy for next week is to stay at the same weight, and try to go for 12 on each set.

Arms felt worn out by the time I got to Hammer Curls.  Same results as last time.

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