Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Maintenance / Rehab Block. Week 3. Day 1.

BW - 227

Press - 140X5, 5, 5

Chin-Ups - BWX8, 6, 4, 4, 4 (26 total)

Pull-Downs - X10, 10, 10 (straight-weight; same weight as previous)

BB Curls - 50X10, 10

Press still moving pretty well.  Last warm-up felt a touch heavy, but the worksets were fairly smooth.  Last set shown.

Was supposed to be Pull-Up day today, but I got it twisted.  Whatevs.  6 reps on the 2nd set would be a recent best.  Been working my way through PPST3, and was just reading the section on Dynamic Effort on TM.  It mentioned that it has worked for weighted-chins, and it got me thinking that maybe I'd been a bit "slow" in my execution of initial reps.  So I really attached these sets and tried to accelerate as fast as possible out of the bottom.  May have made a difference.

Got more reps with the same weight as last time on pull-downs.  I'll take this weight one more time going for 10-12 on each set, and then move up.

Curls felt stronger this week. 

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