Friday, February 9, 2018

Greyskull LP. Session 21

BW - 230

Press -
147.5X4, 4

Chin-ups - BW; 26 Reps, 7 Sets

Squats - 360X5, 5, 5

147.5X4 is a Rep PR.  Couldn't squeeze out 5 on either set.  Will switch over to a top-set of 3, a back-off set of AMRAP @ 90%, and a set of 5 @ 80% for volume.  2nd set of 4 shown.

Increased total reps in the same amount of sets on Chins.  First couple of sets were on their own, then super-set a few sets with Squat warm-ups (none b/w last warm-up and 1st work-set), and then a couple more sets after Squats.

360 for 3X5 is an LP PR on Squats.  Thought I might go for a 6th rep, but technique was feeling off.  Also depth was all over the map.  Still, I get to go for 365 for sets across next week, and that's good.  3rd set shown.

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