Friday, December 15, 2017

Greyskull LP. Session 8

BW - 228

Bench - 192.5X5, 5, 10

Chin-Ups -
BW+20X4, 4
BWX10, 5

Deadlift - 315X8

Dips - BW+30X9, 9, 9

192.5X10 is a Rep PR on Bench.  Felt pretty good.  Getting better centered on the bench thanks to the new camera angle.  RPE 9.

Weighted chins felt okay.  10 reps on the back-off set at this bodyweight matches a Rep PR.

315X8 is a Rep PR on Dealift.  These felt pretty good.  Only needed 7 for a PR, but was feeling 8 going into it.  RPE 8 or 8.5 max.  Still feeling limited more by fatigue than strength.

258 (BW+30)X9 is a Rep PR on Dips.  According to my records, it's actually my "heaviest" (counting BW) dips weight ever.  Kind of surprised me.  I'd like to be able to go a little deeper on these, but I have to be careful because my shoulders get cranky.  I go till I get a stretch but no further.

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