Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Novice LP. Session 68 (Greyskull Squats and Press)

BW - 227

Press -
125X5, 5, 11

Deadlift -

Chin-Ups -
BW+25X4, 4
BWX8, 6

Dips -
BW+30X6, 6, 6

125X11 is a Rep PR on Press.  RPE 10.  Took careful planning of shorter and longer breathing rests, and still, around Rep 8, I thought I might be in trouble.  Happy to have gotten it!

390X3 is an all-around PR on Deadlift.  Feeling slow and heavy, but still do-able with commitment. I only doubled 390 on Squat, so it's nice to see my DL outperforming the squat for once outside of a meet.  Didn't quite lock out the 3rd rep to competition standards, but I don't care.  Trying to decide if I just want to hit doubles the rest of the way, or keep pushing triples.  Oh, and btw, back in early August 350X3 was a Rep PR set.  Now it's a back-off set.

251 (BW+25)X4 is a Rep PR on chins.  Feeling heavy from the first rep now.  2nd weighted set and first BW set shown.

256 (BW+30)X6 is a Rep PR on Dips.  These were about as easy as I wanted them to be for a reset that still delivers an adaptation dose.  I'm eliminating the BW back-off sets starting with this session, and working on weighted sets only.  I'll run +30 up to the 10-12 rep range for 3 sets across, and then up the weight again.

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