Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Novice LP. Session 66 (Greyskull Squats and Press)

BW - 227

Press -

Squat -

Chin-Ups -
BW+20X5, 5
BWX8, 5

155X2 is an all-around PR on the press.  RPE 10.  I thought the first rep was RPE 9.5 actually, hahaha.  Oh!  125X10 is a Rep PR, as well!

405X2 is an all-around PR on Squats.  RPE 9+.  I was only supposed to do 400 today, but the gym was full of quality spotters, and I thought I'd take advantage  instead of rolling the dice with whoever was in the gym on Friday.  I was pretty happy about this as you can see in the video.  I was pretty mentally worn down by the time I got to the AMRAP set and only went to about an RPE 8.5 on that.  I will probably do a reset on Squats now.  I don't want to spend too much time on triples and doubles.

247 (BW+5)X5 is a Rep PR on Chins.  Felt hard, but got both sets.  2nd set shown.

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