Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Novice LP. Session 64 (Greyskull Squats and Press)

BW - 228

Press -

Squat -

Chin-Ups -
BW+20X3, 3
BWX7, 5

152.5X2 is an all around PR, and 125X9 is a Rep PR on Press.  Everything here moved about as expected.

395X2 is an all around PR on Squat.  These moved pretty well.  RPE 9, and saw no need to risk a third.  Still nervous about the right adductor, but 405 is so close!  Was prepared to only go for 5 on the 3rd set, but everything felt good, and I took a couple of extra reps.  Didn't need to push it, though, and so left some in the tank.

248(BW+20)X3 is a Rep PR on Chins.  Gym was crowded today, and I was working in with someone squatting, and so didn't mess with filming them.

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