Friday, September 15, 2017

Novice LP. Session 56 (Greyskull Squats and Press)

BW - 229

Press -
142.5X5, 5, 3

Deadlift -

Chin-Ups - BWX8, 5, 4, 4
super-set with
Dips -
BW+25X9, 9

142.5X5 is a Rep PR on Press.  Failed pretty hard on the 4th rep of the 3rd set.
Backed off 10% and hit a strong set of 7.  Thought that was also a PR, but turns out I needed one more.
Went back and forth on how to proceed, but I'm going to move on to the next stage with a top set of 5, a 90% set of 5, and a 90% AMRAP.  Still not sure if the 90% should be X5,XAMRAP, or just XAMRAP, but we'll see how it goes.

370X3 is a Rep PR on the Deadlift.  Adjust camera angle to try and get more info.  Want to capture the bottom of the foot, and the bar path against the leg in addition to back angle.
229(BW)X8 is maybe a Rep PR on chins.  Felt only okay.

254(BW+25)X9 and 229(BW)X18 are both Rep PRs on Dips.  These are feeling good and don't seem to be giving me additional shoulder issues so far.

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