BW - 224
Press - 135X3, 3, 3
Deadlift -
Dips - BWX5, 8, 10
(I know I didn't Squat today. Title is just so I can scan back through phases easily.)
135 moved better on Press than 132.5.
Deadlifts also felt pretty good. Forgot to take video. Back-off sets also felt good. I focused in hard on every rep on big air, contracting against it, and pulling my chest up before and during the lift. My low back had been bothering me all day, but didn't give me any trouble on these lifts, and felt pretty good afterwards.
Still a ways off from 3 rep PRs in either lift.
Because I'm not squatting or chinning on Deadlift days, the day felt a little short. I've always enjoyed doing dips, and want to be good at them. I tried throwing in a few exploratory sets here to see how they felt. Started at 5 reps, and laddered up. Thought I might go for 12 on the 3rd set, but 10 felt about RPE 8, so felt like a good first day out.
Before doing these going forward, I need to be sure to do some of the shoulder warm-ups my PT gave me to help me un-fuck my shoulder back in the day. No pain, but there's an uncomfortable stretch at the bottom in the old problem area.
For now, I'll keep throwing them in on DL days. I'll be very conservative, try not to go above RPE 8, and progress 3 sets of BW until all three sets are in the mid-to-high teens. If everything is going well at that point, I'll start mixing in weighted days.
"Going well" will need to be looked at across all upper body exercises. If Bench or Press stall out, and I move to any higher volume programming, I may need to make an adjustment. I'm just very mindful that I'm adding in more "fluff" and more pressing volume here.
Is one set enough to build muscle?
3 days ago
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