BW - 229
Squats -
up to 305X2
then 255X6, 6
RDL - up to 225X5, 5, 5
Hanging Legs -
Knee RaiseX10
Bent Leg RaiseX10
Tempo Run - 1.3 miles @ 20 min.
Squats all moved well.
I was very, very careful with the RDLs as I've aggravated my low back issues being too aggressive with them in the past. I walked them out instead of picking them up, and I was facing a mirror so I could keep an eye on my chest position. After the 2nd set, I felt a kind of pulsing feeling around where I've had issues, so I did one more set and quit while I was ahead. No lingering back issues afterwards.
In the past, I've tried to jump right into full, straight-leg hanging leg raises and been frustrated. So I'm going to do a bit more of a progression here and try to work up to a quality straight-leg raise.
The tempo runs are supposed to be "slightly sub-pace," and varying between under- and over-distance. I haven't done any running besides intervals since June of 2014, and until this week, I hadn't even done intervals since August of '15. So I don't know what my pace is, and under-distance is my max without walking. I decided to get in the water "a toe at a time," and just did a loop around the park with the slowest possible gait that wasn't walking. Frankly, that I did it without having to stop and walk seems like an achievement.
My plan for this day right now is to alternate increasing the distance with increasing the speed. The "race pace" I will likely shoot for is a basic 10 min. mile. My best ever 1 mile time is 7:58. That was in 2012 @ ~205 BW. So I will work first on getting to 2 miles at a non-stop shuffle alternated with getting my mile pace closer to 10. Then I will put those together, and when I can get 2 miles in 21-25 minutes, I will start on increasing distance at that pace.
Is one set enough to build muscle?
2 days ago
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