Friday, January 29, 2016

Texas Method - Week 3 - Recovery Day

BW - 231

Squats -
235X5, 5

Press -
112.5X5, 5, 5

Chins* -
BWX6, 6, 4, 4
super-set with
Hypers - BWX10, 10, 10, 10

Recovery day.  Squats and Pressing went well.

*The last few weeks, I've had some pain in my "good" shoulder after the first set of chin-ups.  This last week, the pain seemed to linger a bit.  I tried to warm-up with some pull-downs, but the first chin-up rep hurt.  I went and did some single-arm cable pullovers, and it still felt pretty shitty but I tried to gut it out for a few sets.  My coach was in the gym, and I finally went and told him what's going on.  He was surprised, but he's going to just have me do pull-downs for now.  The meet's in 5 weeks, and I won't have to do chin-ups there.  Better to avoid what hurts, and try to make sure I'm good to go on the three main lifts.

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