Thursday, June 11, 2015

LRB Back & DL. Pressing

BW - 209

Inclines -
165X10, 5

Press - 65X20, 12, 6

Pushdowns - X100

For the first time in a long time, I had an unplanned week off of training that didn't involve injury.  My schedule just unexpectedly started to collapse under it's own weight, and I couldn't justify cutting anything but training.

Picked up where I left off, and hit pressing on this day.  165X10 is 1 rep more than last time, but the last rep was 100% effort and is still 2 reps off my best with this weight.

On OHP, I did push the reps way up on the 1st and 2nd set before the bottom fell out on the last set.  I think 65X20 is acutally a Rep PR.

Needed to get home, so just did a 100 rep set for triceps.

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