Defranco Shoulder mobility
Bench -
135X10, 6, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 3 (31 total reps)
Pull-Downs - 5 sets of 8-10
Standing Abs - 5 sets of 12
Because I failed to hit my target reps in Week 2, and then had to do a lot of singles on my way to 30+ reps, I decided to back-off the first work-set a little in the hopes of bumping up the following sets. I had mixed results here, as you may be able to tell. I got more reps on the 2nd set than I had the previous two weeks which is good, however it immediately devolved into triples and doubles. Also the total reps for the first 2 sets combined isn't any better than the first two weeks, nor did I beat the total number of sets needed to reach 30+. All in all it kind of seems like I just rearranged the deck chairs.
I think there are two factors at play here: 1) because I train alone, I just don't feel comfortable taking every set to the limit, and 2) I seem to be trimming up. I don't really weigh myself, but I pretty clearly look leaner in the mirror. Some of this could be diet. I haven't been paying any more attention to what I eat, but I think there's a chance I'm not eating as much as I have been. This may be having the effect that I'm not getting growth in my pressing muscles due to a lack of nutrition. Also, less mass means less area to distribute the load over, meaning the muscle I do have actually has to work harder to lift the weight.
All in all, I'm not super worried about this becasue I don't really care about the bench press that much. As long as my squats and rows show improvement, that's the main thing for me, and I haven't stalled on those. If my squat stalls out 2 weeks in a row, I will eat more going into the following week. For now, I probably prefer being leaner to making a lot of bench progress.
Starting this week, I decided to do two weeks of lat pull-downs. I'd originally programmed to alternate OHP and chins on bench day, but I'm so gassed at the end of the benching that my chins sucked ass to the point I felt like I wasn't getting any actual work in on them, and I did 5X5 OHP the first two weeks instead. So now I'll do two weeks of BB style lat-pulldowns. Meaning a steady concentric, really "feeling" the muscle, and a slow, controlled eccentric. The last two-weeks I may switch to a triceps movement. Probably either dips or OH extensions.
I think I've almost always done pull-downs in the past in sets of 3, so on the 4th and 5th sets today I was really feeling it right underneath my armpits to the point that it felt like my triceps were getting worked. Foam-rolled the hell out of this area later that day and the following day, and that felt awesome.
More standing abs in the hiz-ouse.
Is one set enough to build muscle?
2 days ago
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