Sunday, April 22, 2012

UB: Reps Week 2. Back

Rollovers, piriformis stretch, lat stretches

Deadlift -

T-Bar Rows -
60X15, 8, 5, 6 (34 total reps)

Prowler High-Lows - 90 lbs., 14 sets, 15 minutes

Standing Abs - 5 sets of 10-15

My mind was off today, plus I didn't consult my programming close enough, and so and didn't do everything the way I was supposed to.

I should have done 225X5 twice and then 275X3 once.  I didn't realize my mistake until after my first 275 set.  Rather than be done, or go back down, I decided to just do another set of 275.  No big deal.  Besides, I like Deadlifting, heh.

Same on the rows.  the set of 3 was supposed to be at 70, not 60 as I'm waving a top triple instead of a top single like on squats and bench.  No matter.  I needed to hit 14 reps on my first work-set to be on track for my goals or this movement, and I got that plus one more.  Feels good.

For the prowler, I decided to see how many pushes I could do in 15 minutes.  It's hard as hell, but with the 30-45 second rests it's totally do-able.  I'm going to up this to 18 minutes next week.

Another 5 sets of standing cable crunches.  My ab weakness is on full display here.  When I put on enough plates that my body-weight doesn't do any of the work, I have trouble getting much more than 15 sets.  Still, I'm going to try to get another plate/couple of reps per session.

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