Tuesday, April 24, 2012

UB: Reps Week 3. Squats

Defranco Hip Mobility

Squats -
195X13, 7, 6, 7 (33 total reps)

GHR - BWX12, 10, 10, 10, 12

195X13 is a Rep PR.  Some of the work sets/reps felt a little off, especially at the turn-around.  It feels like I  may be turning or twisting one way or the other or something.  Might bear more thought.

Upped the difficulty of the GHR bench settings by raising the cross-bar one notch.  Didn't actually seem to make that much of a difference, so next time I may drop it back down but move it forward one notch.

I worked out back to back days here, so I decided to skip the standing abs work.  Probably not the right decision, but I had an ab strain once before, and that shit makes all kinds of things difficult until it clears up.

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