Thursday, April 19, 2012

UB: Reps Week 2. Squats

Defranco hip mobility

Squats -
195X11, 9, 10

GHR - BWX10, 12, 12, 10, 10

Standing Abs - 5X10-20

Walk home - 20 minutes

195X11 is a Rep PR.  I'm pretty stoked that I dropped from 5 sets to get 30+ reps down to 3 here, even if I just made the 30.  Two psychological things that I think contributed:  1) I think the single being heavier this week made the work sets feel lighter, and 2)  I altered my set-up a bit.  Before, when I set up under the bar I'd always try to make sure my body was tight.  This session I found myself not just getting tight through my body, but also getting tight against the bar.  What I mean by that is, I pushed myself into the bar as hard as I could without actually lifting it.  Then when I inhaled and arched the bar out of the hooks, it felt lighter for some reason.  Maybe it's mental, and maybe I was just that much tighter as a result of this tweak.  Pretty cool, though.  I still sweat like Bobby at the reading of Whitney's will because I once again stayed up late drinking the night before a squat session. 

Pushed myself for more reps than last week on some of the GHR sets.  Definitely felt even more worked than last session.  I wasn't sure I'd make 10 reps on the last set.  Still, it might be time to move up to a more difficult setting that I have trouble getting 10 reps on throughout.

Back on the abs wagon.  5 sets of standing crunches at the lat pull-down station that nobody likes.

Felt pretty good physically after this session.  A lot of guys talk about feeling better leaving the gym than when they came in.  I don't often have that experience, but I felt pretty relaxed and fresh this time.  I decided to walk home.  I tried to maintain a brisk pace, but after all the squats and hams, a brisk pace was about the same as a lope.

I got a light band from EliteFTS.  In addition to trying to make myself foam roll at least once a day on this cycle, I also want to set up some light resistance work at home with band pull-aparts, lunges and push-ups.  I'm trying to stick to my favorite schedule which is lift-every-other-day, so I'm thinking it will look like this:
Day 1:  Squat
Day 2:  Push-ups
Day 3:  Pulls
Day 4:  Lunges
Day 5:  Bench
Day 6: Pull-aparts

I could probably do the push-ups, lunges, and pull-aparts all together every off-day, or even every day, but I'm going to start off like this.  My hips and shoulder are sore for a couple of days after bench and squat sessions, respectively, and I want to work a mix of light (walking) and heavy (prowler) conditioning in every week as well, so I don't see any reason to kill myself every day of the week.  I'm trying to keep in mind the psychological factor too.  I want to WANT to do this stuff, and not have it seem like a chore.

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